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Ekran Resmi 2020-09-11 19.42.59.png

At the meeting of YÖK Executive Board, dated 13.05.2020 and numbered 30; It has decided to oblige faculty members and students enrolled in graduate programs with thesis to use Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) numbers in the pursuit of postgraduate theses, articles, congress and symposium papers, books and all kinds of scientific publications. Thus, while sending your Abstract and Full texts

ORCID NO must be written.

Online Presentation

Dear participant, the announcement of our congresses YÖK on 6 March 2020 and 30 July 2020

(for online participation in congresses)

online (via skype / zoom). Participation documents will be sent as PDF after the congress. Technical information on how to make presentations will be published together with the congress program.

Elektronik kitap

Broadcasting Opportunities

-Publish in proceedings book with ISBN

- Publishing as an article in journals

- Broadcasting as an international book chapter

Yazım Kuralları

Image by Vivek Trivedi
iksad logo.jpg
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